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About Me
Hi, I’m Fang Gong. I recieved my Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Engineering at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2021, supervised by prof. Liangxiao Jiang. Currently, I’m a lecturer and research supervisor in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Wuhan Institute of Technology. From Dec 2019 to Dec 2020, I visited the Intelligent Geospatial Data Mining Lab of University of Calgary, supervised by prof. Xin Wang.
Research Interest
Currently, I am broadly interested in data mining and machine learning. In particular, the goal is to learn a good distance metric for nominal attributes to achieve categorical data classification. The difficulties of learning a good distance metric for nominal attributes lies in, but not limited to, how to characterize the attribute dependencies, how to distinguish the different importance among attributes, how to improve the awareness of multi-class imbalance, how to learn from small samples, how to learn in weakly supervised scenarios, and so on. We wish to develop the effective and efficient methods about stucture extension, attribtue weighting, cost-sensitive attribute selection, incremental learning, meta-learning, semi-supervised learning to tackle these challenges.
✌️ 2023.06-Congratulations! Our paper “Using differential evolution for an attribute-weighted inverted specific-class distance measure for nominal attributes” is accepted in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (CCF-B, IF4.8). It’s my first work in Wuhan Institute of Technology.
祝贺!我们的工作“基于差分演化属性加权的反转类指定距离度量”被录取到了Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (CCF-B, IF4.8)。这是我加入武汉工程大学后的第一个工作。
✌️ 2022.08-I have joined the Causality and Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Committee of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence as the communication committee member and I will try my best to serve the committee in the future!
✌️ 2022.06-I have joined in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Wuhan Institute of Technology as a lecturer. A new start, fighting!
✌️ 2021.08-Congratulations! Our paper “Fine-grained attribute weighted inverted specific-class distance measure for nominal attributes” is accepted in Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF8.1). It’s my first work in Unibersity of Calgary as a visiting student. Keep on fighting!
祝贺!我们的工作“细粒度属性加权的反转类指定距离度量”被录取到了Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF8.1)。这是我以访问学生身份在卡尔加里大学的第一个工作,继续加油!
✌️ 2020.03-Congratulations! Our paper “Gain ratio weighted inverted specific-class distance measure for nominal attributes” is accepted in International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (CCF-B, IF5.6).
祝贺!我们的工作“增益率加权的反转类指定距离度量”被录取到了International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (CCF-B, IF5.6)。
✌️ 2019.09-Congratulations! Our paper “Averaged one-dependence inverted specific-class distance measure for nominal attributes” is accepted in Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (CCF-B, IF3.9).
祝贺!我们的工作“平均一依赖的反转类指定距离度量”被录取到了Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (CCF-C, IF3.9)。
✌️ 2017.09-I join the CUGMinner team and start my research career in the field of data mining and machine learning. Remember this day, well begun is half done!